CQC Report
The Care Quality Commission has rated the quality of care being provided by BEMS as ‘Good’ following a comprehensive inspection in May 2019.
We are proud to say that we were rated ‘Good’ in the areas of Safe, Effective, Caring and Responsive. We were rated ‘Outstanding’ in the area Well-led.
The overall ratings are shown below:
As part of the full report, here are the key observations made by the CQC:
- BEMS was an integral part of the local community and actively promoted the health of the population.
- Feedback from patients was consistently positive about the service they received from BEMS.
- The culture of BEMS and the way it was led and managed drove the delivery and improvement of high-quality, person-centred care.
- Leaders had an inspiring shared purpose, striving to deliver and motivate staff to succeed. There was a strong culture of continuous improvement.
You can view a copy of the the full report by clicking below: