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Home Visiting Service recruits Bank Nursing staff and Bank GP service to meet expansion

Rhiannon Champion

Rhiannon Champion

Wednesday 16 March 2022

BEMS is continuing to expand the Home Visiting Service, recruiting additional Bank Nursing staff and retaining a Bank GP service. This allows us to cover expected annual leave, as well as consistently increase provision to all areas. 

We also want to remind Practices that we are happy to accept referrals for the next working day, Monday-Thursday. On occasion, BEMS receives referrals after we have reached capacity and we have to reject these referrals.

However, as long as the patient has been safety-netted and the referring clinician is happy that the patient can wait, we can add them to the sessions for the following day. If you want us to visit your patient the following day, please let us know by tasking, calling or emailing the BEMS team.

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