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Making a complaint

How to make a complaint

The processes outlined below comply with the NHS (Complaints) Regulations 1st April 2009. BEMS will:

· Accept oral or written complaints and handle them in the strictest confidence.

· Aim for a speedy, efficient resolution of complaints at a local level whenever possible.

· Treat all complainants courteously and sympathetically.

· Be open, fair, flexible and conciliatory in approach

· Designate a Complaints Manager to handle all complaints.


Who can complain?

· A patient

· A relative or carer where the patient themselves is (1) a child or (2) is unable by reason of physical or mental capacity to complain themselves or (3) has given written consent for the relative or carer to act on their behalf or (4) has died.

· An advocate who meets one of the conditions outlined above.


Time limits for making complaints

A complaint should be made as soon as possible after the event giving rise to it. It will be considered when it is received:-

Within 12 months of the event giving rise to it.

Within 12 months of the complainant becoming aware of the problem.

The Complaints Manager and Clinical Governance Director may choose to consider a complaint outside these limits when, having regard to circumstances, they are satisfied that the complainant had good cause for not acting sooner AND they consider that it is still possible to investigate effectively and efficiently given the time lapse.


Acknowledging a complaint

All complaints will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt and processed under the complaints procedure as detailed below. Where a complaint was made orally, the acknowledgement will be accompanied by a written record of the complaint made by front line staff at the time with an invitation for the complainant to sign and return it as an accurate record. BEMS has a duty to investigate a complaint in a manner appropriate to resolve it speedily and efficiently. BEMS will discuss a timescale with the complainant and agree an appropriate date by which BEMS will respond. This is usually within 25 working days to allow a thorough investigation to be carried out.

We aim to provide all of our patients and service users with the best possible service. However, if you feel our services have not met your expectations, you may want to inform us. Most issues can be overcome quickly and easily and the team will endeavor to get to the bottom of these as quickly as possible.

You can ring us on the following number: 01225 560806


Complaints can be sent in writing to:

B&NES Enhaned Medical Services,
Unit 13a Church Farm Business Park,